SC Envirothon Team Competiton
What is the Envirothon? The Envirothon is a program for high school students to learn more about our natural environment. It consists of a team of 3-5students.
It tests the student's knowledge on topics such as soils, water resources, forestry, wildlife and a current environmental issue.
The Envirothon experience is a unique approach to environmental education. Teams compete in an outdoor setting where they learn that cooperation is needed to achieve success. It is great fun for students and their advisors. The Charleston Conservation District would love to sponsor your school team..
Contact Debbie at 843-727-4160 x 5076 if you would like to participate!
For more information check out the following website and click on competition information tab on the upper left part of the page for 2017 Envirothon information!
The SC Envirothon competition was held Friday, May 5, 2017at the Sandhills Research and Education Center near Columbia. Eighteen teams, (approximately 200 students) from across the state, participated in the 19th Annual Envirothon. Students and coaches devote hours of hard work toward their preparation for this competition event. It builds awareness. It is designed to help the leaders of tomorrow learn both sides of environmental issues so that they can make informed decisions. Concepts such as renewable versus non-renewable resources are stressed, as are the interdependence and interaction of ecosystems. The learning objectives out-lined for each study area meet numerous state curriculum standards in Science, Social Studies, Economics and English. Charleston District is proud to have sponsored 2 teams from Wando High School this year, coached by Jessica Herbert. Both teams did great and made both Wando HS and Charleston Conservation District very proud!
The SC Envirothon is an affiliate of the North American Envirothon, which includes the United States and several Canadian Provinces. Held outdoors, the Envirothon is a dynamic environmental competition for high school students which cultivates a passion for environmental science and conservation policy by testing in the subject areas of aquatics, forestry, soils, wildlife, and a topic that varies from year to year. The 2017 Current Topic was Agricultural Soil and Water Conservation Stewardship.
The learning objectives for each individual subject station then become woven together in a team-based oral presentation developed from a fictitious scenario. This year, students presented to a panel of experts, hailing from such agencies as DNR, USDA-NRCS, conservation districts, land trusts and county government. Clemson and Francis Marion Universities also provided experts to judge the Orals Station.
First Place winner was Spartanburg HS Team A. Each student on the First Place team will receive a $500 college scholarship. Second place went to Spartanburg Day School Team A and those students will receive a $250 college scholarship. Third place honors were captured by Spartanburg HS Team B, with each student receiving a $125 scholarship.
The Envirothon has been in South Carolina since 1997, providing over $85,000 is scholarship funds awarded to local high school students pursuing their college education. The Envirothon is coordinated by the SC Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the SC Forestry Commission, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Central Carolina Technical College, Francis Marion University, Florence County Environmental Discovery Center, SC Soil and Water Society and Clemson University. Major financial sponsors are the SC Conservation Districts Foundation, Harry Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund, SC Association of Conservation Districts, Richland Conservation District and the SC Forestry Foundation.
The Charleston Soil & Water conservation District sponsored Wando High School. As a sponsor, we pay the team registration fee of $125.00 and offer any other resource information that they may need. Team Coach, Jessica Herbert and students, Wando HS, competed on behalf of their school and Charleston County. We are happy that we were able to sponsor this school and know that they learned a lot about our Natural Resources.
If you are interested in lending your support to this program, or learning more about it, contact the SC Envirothon by telephone at 803-734-4602 or contact Debbie at 843-727-4160 x 3.