We want to hear from you! Contaminants like bacteria and sediment can make Edisto’s waterways unsafe for shellfish harvesting, swimming, and more. We know waterways are important to you, and we need your help to keep them healthy. Share your thoughts in our 10-minute survey: www.edistowatershedplan.org.
This survey is part of a project by Clemson Cooperative Extension, S.C. Sea Grant Consortium, SC Department of Natural Resources and the ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve. Questions? Email Dr. Amy Scaroni at ascaron@clemson.edu
With the mission of “Helping People Help the Land,” the United States Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides products and services that enable people to be good stewards of the Nation’s soil, water, and related natural resources on non-Federal lands. With our help, people are better able to conserve, maintain, or improve their natural resources. As a result of our technical and financial assistance, land managers and communities take a comprehensive approach to the use and protection of natural resources in rural, suburban, urban, and developing areas.
Conservation Technical Assistance- NRCS helps landowners develop conservation plans and provides advice on the design, layout, construction, management, operation, maintenance, and evaluation of the recommended, voluntary conservation practices.
Farm Bill Programs – NRCS does offer financial assistance to help eligible landowners implement conservation practices on their lands.
If you would like more information please contact District Conservationist Lori Bataller at 843-727-4160 ext 3 or email her at Or visit SC NRCS website at www.sc.usda.nrcs.gov.
Charleston County Receives $2,206, 452 in Federal Funding
NRCS and Charleston Soil & Water Conservation District is proud to announce a grant agreement between the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Charleston County. The Charleston Soil & Water Conservation District and NRCS has a unique relationship in that the District directs the NRCS District Conservationist on what the resource concerns in their County are, and points the direction of where the federal dollars should be spent and where technical assistance can be most beneficial.
This federal funding will be used to help restore undermined, eroded and unstable streambanks in Charleston County. NRCS entered into an agreement with Charleston County to aid in the protection of some waterways in the County. A total of 22 local watershed ditches were selected for repair due to their instability. The damage occurred during Hurricane Matthew. The funds were awarded after several months of work between NRCS Field Staff and Engineers, Frank Carson, Mosquito Control Manager with Charleston County Public Works. NRCS completed a Damage Survey Report that provided a case-by-case investigation of the work necessary to repair or protect each site.
Sponsors are responsible for:
- Providing land rights to do repair work
- Securing necessary permits
- Furnishing the local cost share
- Accomplishing the installation of work and,
- Performing any necessary operation and maintenance
All EWP projects must reduce threats to lives and property; be economically, environmentally, and socially defensible; be designed and implemented according to sound technical standards; and conserve natural resources.
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Updates!
(Charleston & Berkeley Counties)
In August of 2015, Colton McClendon joined the NRCS Team. He is working for NRCS as a Soil Conservationist in the North Charleston USCA office. Colton is originally from Rhea County, Tennessee, where he attended Tennessee Technological University and graduated in December of 2013 with a Bachelor's of Science in Environmental Agriscience.
He joins our NRCS Team which consists of Lori Bataller, District Conservationist, Ann Bentley (Soil Conservation Technician), and Randy Fowler (Resource Soil Scientist) Shown above are field site photos of Colton and team members.
The Sewee Fire Festival was held in Awendaw, SC on March 21, 2015. South Carolina's once-expansive longleaf Conservation Cooperative held the annual fire festival and put the focus back on fire and nature at the Sewee Fire Festival, a longleaf pine and prescribed fire festival. Attendees to the free event were treated to a live burn demonstration, exhibits on conservation activities, fun family activities and a visit by Smokey Bear! One of the highlights of the event was a demonstration by the Birds of Prey Center. A young owl soared over the crowd to the delight of young and old alike.
The festival was well attended with over 200 attendees. Lori Bataller, NRCS District Conservationist, and Colton McClendon, NRCS Soil Conservationist manned a booth to inform participants of the options for cost-share available through their agency.
See fire festival photos above: